The Power of Style

A beautiful woman I spoke to a few months ago recently encountered some difficulties and reached out to me about her experience in the hospital.

“I have been thinking a lot about what you said – about how what you wear shows the dignity of your mission. It’s helped me get up and shower, put on a fresh face and put on clean and nice-looking clothes (for a hospital at least) each day. I want to thank you for that encouragement that has stuck with me!”

I reflected on those kind words and thought, that is the power of personal style.

Style can help us feel more like “us.” Style elevates our mood and our energy. It makes us feel more confident even in the difficult times, in the stressful times, and in the happy times. As the old saying goes, when we look good we feel better. When we look in the mirror and feel assured by the woman staring back at us, we can find the desire to boldly move forward and accomplish the mission we’ve been given in this life.

While there are certainly times that are appropriate to simply wear sweats and leggings (immediately postpartum, during an illness, going to the gym, etc.), women have God-given power and gifts and their talents and positive message demand to be shared with the world. But when we get lost in baggy sweats, oversized tee’s, and ill-fitting dresses, we ironically show that we want to be invisible. Inaudibly, we say, my message isn’t worthy to be shared; I’m not worthy to be adorned. As author Nicole Caruso once shared, “We miss the opportunity to tell our story when wear leggings or our husband’s t-shirts.”

What would the world look like if women knew who they were and stepped into their feminine genius? What if all women became the best versions of ourselves? What if they demanded to be heard and seen? We would bring beauty and grace and strength and power to a world that sorely needs it and pave the way for all future generations. No hero is without struggle; it’s time to share your story as events unfold. Our style is the cover and our clothes literally and figuratively add color and texture to our tales.

Don’t miss the opportunity to share your story. Those around you will be forever changed because you were here and dared to live out your mission.


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